Transforming Your Energy
A new and unique way to replenish your energy and simply feel better.
Are you ready...
To stop feeling exhausted and drained?
To get off of the emotional rollercoaster?
To learn new ways to balance your energy?
To be able to sleep peacefully?
To stop feeling sad all of the time?
To feel calmer and more peaceful?
If so, you can learn how for $17.
I see you.
Your current reality isn't at all what you had envisioned and you wish you could feel like yourself again.
You are normally an optimistic person, but sometimes it can be challenging to just get out of bed in the morning.
You are exhausted and feel numbed by your sadness.
You used to be reallly good at self-care, but now you struggle to find the energy to get back in balance.
Your glow is on low and if you could just get your mojo back, then you would be able to cope a little bit better.
You are exhausted and need more energy.

...knowing how to rekindle your energy in a few simple steps.
...feeling a little bit better every day.
...having some tools to help you feel more balanced.
...waking up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed.
...using a really simple self-care routine.
...having more energy and starting to feel like yourself again.

Are you ready...
to take one small step and benefit from some new information that will help you to rest and rejuvenate - so you can stop feeling exhausted and create some new balance in your life?
It's super simple. You watch a short video. You do a few workbook exercises. You email your teacher if you have questions.
If you love what you learned and want more, then you can sign up for six more lessons and personal support.
The price for this first lesson is $17.

A Message from Your Teacher - Lane Robinson
Sometimes I wonder why I was led to make it my mission to help others get their lives back after experiencing overwhelming, life-derailing loss. It all started with figuring out how to heal myself from a life-disabling brain injury without prescriptions, filing a lawsuit, or becoming an invalid. It took me about nine years of experimenting, studying, and evolving to discover the fundamentals that became the foundation for all of my work.
Over the next ten years, I experienced four more traumatic events including my young nephew's suicide and the loss of every precious possession I owned in a senseless burglary. Needless to say, that taught me how to deal with guilt and grief and to pick up the pieces and move forward.
After two decades of evolving, I'm sharing what I've learned in the most simple and effective program on the planet to help spiritually aware people grieve and heal in peace. I hope you'll try out this lesson and let me know how it works for you. Martin Luther King once said that "faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase." The healing journey is kind of like that.