Compass Program

Navigating Life After Loss...

The program is designed to offer those who are grieving the information they need to take their lives back. It is simple, effective, and affordable. Participants journey from suffering to serenity in just six weeks. The program is delivered with weekly coaching - one-on-one or in a group.

Energy Reset

After losing a loved one or experiencing a life-derailing event, the memory of the trauma remains within the body at the molecular level until it is cleared, healed and balanced.

Transforming Your Energy

One of seven lessons in the Lightwalker Compass Program, this lesson offers a demo of the program for the extremely low price of just $17. It includes a short video and student workbook and takes about an hour to complete.

Get a FREE Lesson...

Sign up for our email list below and you'll receive a FREE copy in your email box of "Asking for Archangel Assistance" - one of the most beneficial lessons in the Lightwalker Compass Program for Navigating Life after Loss.